Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Search Engine Optimization For Blogs

Blogging also needs search engine optimization as we do in case of running a website successfully. This can be dne very easily with the help of blogging software. This software is just a simple Content Management System (CMS) that without difficulty puts in fresh pages and incorporates them into your blog’s navigational configuration and makes a connection.

In this way blog posts are of course SEO friendly for the reason that they are wholly text based most often, provide good linkage, are refreshed on a daily basis using style sheets, and have exceptionally little unrelated hyper text markup language.

Here are some guidelines that will help you while optimizing your blog:

Use your major keyword in your domain name:

This is very much similar to naming a website. Adding keyword to blog name makes ital the more user-friendly, and your blog appears at the top of all others when users search for that particular keyword.

Use main keyword in the Meta tags and the title all blog posts:

If your primary keyword is “autos blogging” be confident that the word autos become visible in your Meta tags in addition to the title of all of your blog posts.

Add fresh frequently:

Search engine spiders just love fresh content, so the best policy is to add content at least twice a week to your blog and it’s simply done by making more and more posts.

Akin to the above mentioned techniques there are lot more others that you can follow to get better rankings in search engine listings.

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