Saturday, December 6, 2008

Funky Side Text Box:

to format and much more streamlined, this pull quote style (by way
of Mandarin Design) is a larger cut and paste, but it is actually
simpler to fiddle with since the alignment doesn't throw things
off as easily. Less touchy, persnickity, and tweak-demanding. You
simply fill in the text above for your boxed quote, then type anything
else here. You can tinker around with font size, colors, and margins
to change the overall look for which you are going.

the CODE below. Please note that the space shows where your box
code (top) and main text code (bottom) are:

solid black;background:#CCCCCC;color:black;font-size:14px;">

A nice alternative, this provides a box beside your text.


to format and much more streamlined, this pull quote style (by
way of Mandarin Design) is a larger cut and paste, but it is actually
simpler to fiddle with since the alignment doesn't throw things
off as easily.

Less touchy, persnickity, and tweak-demanding. You simply fill
in the text above for your boxed quote, then type anything else
here. You can tinker around with font size, colors, and margins

to change the overall look for which you are going. </p>

<div style="clear:both;"><br></div>



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