Thursday, May 28, 2009

Install the Reddit Button on Blogger

Reddit offers a variety of eye-catching Reddit buttons. Reddit buttons can be used on Blogger, allowing blog readers to share your work with the world, thus helping your blog to grow in popularity.

With a simple click on the Reddit button, your content is submitted to Reddit.

How to Install the Reddit Button on Blogger

You can install the Reddit button on your Bogger blog. Follow these instructions to get started.

* Go to the Reddit site and register and/or log-in
* Scroll to the bottom of the page
* You'll see: "Reddit Tools"
* Select the second heading "buttons"

A page will open, which offers a variety of Reddit buttons to choose from:

Reddit Buttons

* Commonly used buttons
* Buttons with points
* Interactive buttons
* Large Reddit Buttons

Under each Reddit Button section, you'll see a snippet of HTML code. You can copy/paste this code into your Blogger sidebar.

It is a good idea to install the Reddit button near to the top of your blog so that blog readers can find it easily. Installing the Reddit button takes seconds. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Installing the Reddit Button in Blogger's Sidebar Section

* Go to Blogger "Layout"
* Click on "Add a Gadget"
* Select the second option: HTML/JavaScript
* When the page opens, paste the Reddit button code into the box
* Press "Save"
* Go to "View Blog" to make sure that your Reddit Button has been installed.

To see what the Reddit Button looks like on a blogger blog check out my blog, Write and Earn a Living. The Reddit button is installed on the right, near to the top.

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